Tuesday 8 May 2012

It's Nearly Here...

Deadlines and the exhibition are coming up fast

Hand in for artist statement and blog is tomorrow...

Organising 1st year helpers for Thursday and the week to follow...

Thursday I get into the exhibition space, will require putting up boards, filling in holes, moving furniture, sanding and painting boards and organising my work, up until Monday 21st May...

Then its the big day on the Friday 1st June with the private view. Followed by a two week opening where I will be looking after the exhibition twice, in the afternoon of Friday 8th and the morning of Friday 15th, the final day the exhibition is open.

Self Portrait

I was asked during a tutorial why the work was on the wall, after pausing for a second I responded with 'it's a self portrait'. I believe that my degree show piece is an alternative self portrait, normally a self portrait consists of a painting, drawing or photograph it provides an in sight in to what the person is like and a small amount of information about them. My alternative self portrait provides data about myself, using the phones and information that they collect on them the audience will be able to learn about myself and the relationship I have with my phone (an increasingly important device in most peoples lives).

Appendix Added

I have added an appendix to the Mobile Monitoring System, contained in it is two diagrams;

  • The first one shows how the Velcro will be used to attach the mobiles to the wall, with a brief description and any foreseeable problems
  • The second shows a possible solution to stop the phones being removed from the exhibition if the Velcro fails as well as a brief description and how it would be used.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Sim Cards and Velcro Arrived

Four of the six sim cards that I ordered have arrived (the ones from orange), now just waiting for the two from o2. I needed to order at least one sim card from orange as one of the phones only accepts that orange sim cards, I now need to activate them and store the numbers in my own mobile phone. 

The Velcro has also arrived, it is high strength (both the Velcro and the sticky back), it looks suitable to use to attach the phones from the wall. Some of the pieces will have to be cut down to size as the strips are too wide and long for some of the phones.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Clipboards Arrived

The four wooden clipboards that I ordered yesterday have arrived, they look good quality. They are currently wrapped in plastic to protect the wood from being scratched, I will not remove them from this until closer to the date of exhibition.

More Changes the Scientific Document

I am adapting the Mobile Monitoring System document as I go along keeping it up to date as ideas change within it. With the introduction on Velcro and the removal of the universal mobile phone holders (wall mounted) I will have to change the document again, changing; the diagram of the wall display, apparatus and the risk assessment.

Is Velcro the Answer?

I need a way of securing the phones to walls, so they can't be stolen during the exhibition while at the same time having a way that I can remove them so they can be charged and data collected from them. Is sticky backed high strength Velcro a possible answer? Each side of the Velcro would be stuck either to the wall or the back of the phone, then stuck together making it hard to pull off the wall. I have ordered some to experiment with how it would work, using Velcro you remove the issue of anything detracting from the phones in the space.

Will have to think about running a cable from behind the wall through a hole and to the back of the phones, so even if the phones are unstuck from the Velcro they still can't be removed.